Original Title: Skype

I had, at the time of combining msn messenger and skype back in jan/feb of 2013 lost all msn messenger contacts, sent several emails with no response as to why and how to fix this problem. Am I still suppose to forget about my messenger contacts? Any help please.

[Moved from Windows XP Forum Category]

I used to save my old MSN chat conversations but I couldn't locate where they are now.
I don't use MSN Messenger anymore but could Microsoft/Outlook help to retrieve one of my MSN Chat conversations as it would really help me to recall back my memories of what kind of conversations I had with my buddy.

I have a skype account, and msn account. I've merged them ever since the announcement of msn messenger being eliminated.

all my contacts has work well except for one.

i've been using outlook.com since early this year.

Now that Microsoft is bringing Skype into outlook.com.

All my contact in facebook, msn messenger and skype are appearing on my messaging list and people list.

And all except for one show absolutely correct status (when they are online on skype, outlook.com display the same)

Only for this contact, she is online but outlook.com will forever show she is offline. 

I contacted skype, and have done the recommended unmerge and Re-merge account - ISSUE UNSOLVED

I've tried refreshing my page as suggested on HELP on outlook.com - ISSUE remains.

i've tried on different machine - issue remains

I've tried deleteing each other on skype and re-add each other - issue remians

I just wonder why??
I have a skype account, and msn account. I've merged them ever since the announcement of msn messenger being eliminated.

all my contacts has work well except for one.

i've been using outlook.com since early this year.

Now that Microsoft is bringing Skype into outlook.com.

All my contact in facebook, msn messenger and skype are appearing on my messaging list and people list.

And all except for one show absolutely correct status (when they are online on skype, outlook.com display the same)

Only for this contact, she is online but outlook.com will forever show she is offline. 

I contacted skype, and have done the recommended unmerge and Re-merge account - ISSUE UNSOLVED

I've tried refreshing my page as suggested on HELP on outlook.com - ISSUE remains.

i've tried on different machine - issue remains

I've tried deleteing each other on skype and re-add each other - issue remians

I just wonder why??

Original title: Skype contact

My account originated with an MSN Messenger account using my own email address, not one of the Microsoft domains (Hotmail, Live, Outlook, etc.). I would like to have messages forwarded from that address to Outlook.com, but I don't know what email to use for the destination. There is (or will soon be) no destination for that email address unless I have a way to forward it to my account at Outlook.com without first going through a POP box as it does now.



I had distinctive different contact lists for MSN messenger and Windows Live Mail used on MSN.  After the conversion some contacts were listed more than once in the "contact" area of Windows Live Mail. 


On my Primary Windows computer I was OK with this. However I have a secondary computer at a vacation home not used since May 2013 which had a lengthy contact list.  In late October this list was truncated and most of the contacts PC have disappeared, leaving only previous MSN Messenger contacts.


I need to recover all the contacts I had in May.  I am also fearful that when I restart my primary computer in December its contact list may become a casualty.


Although I can login to the outlook.com interface I strongly prefer to use the Windows Live Mail interface for email communication.  I suspect that this problem is related to the fact I have several MSN email accounts ( @MSN, @Hotmail, @live) as well as MSN Messenger, and somehow contact truncation occurred.   No email as lost.


*** Email address is removed for privacy ***


Add:  I have backups on a Windows Home Server and have located a backup file called Users/my name/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsLiveContacts/{id number}/DBstore/contacts.edb.  The MODIFICATION date shown is several years before the last contact entry of contacts made on this computer.  (There are 3 other files, contacts.pat, dbstore.ini and edb.chk here as well, and a Backup and a Logfile directory.  Is there a different place where more recent contacts for Windows Live Mail are stored, and if so where?


I had been using MSN messenger normally until Microsoft forced to merge my MSN account with Skype account.  Since then, All my contacts were blocked without my consent and I am not able to unblock then anymore.  I have already tried going to people.live.com, Manage>Limit Access but no contact is displayed as blocked even though they are blocked indeed.  It has been also tried to unblock contact once I am logged into Skype by using Live credentials.
I would be happy if someone could take this pain away.

Thanks in advance,

José Alexandre


I had been using MSN messenger normally until Microsoft forced to merge my MSN account with Skype account.  Since then, All my contacts were blocked without my consent and I am not able to unblock then anymore.  I have already tried going to people.live.com, Manage>Limit Access but no contact is displayed as blocked even though they are blocked indeed.  It has been also tried to unblock contact once I am logged into Skype by using Live credentials.
I would be happy if someone could take this pain away.

Thanks in advance,

José Alexandre

Is there anyway to get the pictures that i shared from my old laptop and older vesion of a msn messenger? Please help me out i really need to know! I shared those picture from messenger but then i reinstall windows on my laptop.