por favor, eu preciso da ajuda de voce, porque voces não me ajudam? eu quero desconectar o Facebook e o Style do Msn, me judem por favor, quero o meu msn como  era antes, obrigada, meu msn e *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, obrigado


Please, I need help from you, why do not you guys help me? I want to disconnect from Facebook and Msn Style, judem me please, I want my msn as it was before, thank you, my msn *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. thank

i have the new msn and i cant see my contacts, will somebody pls tell me what to do? thanks
meu msn sempre trava quando estou em uma chamada de video,e nao to conseguindo conversa on.por favor mi der uma soluçao.
porque q cda ves que entro a mi cienta me aparece todo en la bandeja de entrada pero no puedo abrirlos ni eliminarlos ya hace un par de dias q pasa esto y se m llena la bandeja de entrada y quiero y eliminando
cuando intento comunicarme con algun contacto no me aparece  donde dice quien puede ponerse en contacto conmigo dice yo  por favor como hago par poder ponerme en contacto con mis amigos

arkadaslarımın resımlerını msn messenger ımın ıcınde görmek istiyorum ama göremıyorum sadece isimleri yazıyor
Yeah, so I come to the forum and instantly my guess is answered, the kids at Microsoft have screwed all of us again with this **** version of email, hot mail livemail msn mail, whatever, its all junk, nothing works right, My contact list is ruined, the check spelling button is missing in outbound emails, all I can say, HOW happy I am I paid the money and just bought a Mac. This old desktop is going in the trash, if Bill Gates were here I'd throw him in the trash too with his JUNK developers of this not ready for prime time software, if THAT'S what YOU want to call it, not ready for prime time for sure. I mean talk about problems? Look at the HUGE list in here, and I sure don't recall EVER receiving any email from those PUNKS informing us that were making changes, for the sake of change, only idiots and morons do **** like that people. Lets show Microsoft how we really feel, save up if needed, but stop buying PC'S, they SUCK, Lets push Microsoft over the cliff, its worn out its Welcome far as I can tell. SPIT!
Be írom..jelszó...tölt.......s nem jelentkezik be....egy idő után hibát ír!!!
Nem sikerül javítani!!!:(((
Still cannot resolve this error and now msn's site is not working. I'm going to have to give up trying msn messenger.


 Activation context generation failed for "C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe".
Error in manifest or policy file "" on line . A component version required by the application conflicts with another component version already active.

Conflicting components are:

Component 1: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4148_none_5090ab56bcba71c2.manifest.
Component 2: C:\Windows\WinSxS\manifests\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.1_none_e163563597edeada.manifest

I navigated to these components and the system won't allow me to delete either of them.
Bonjour, je me suis fait pirater mon compte principal msn, pour le récupérer on m'envoie une liste de questions, dont une ou il faut donner ses 4 derniers chiffres de ma carte bleue. j'ai répondu 2 fois à cette liste, sans jamais donner les 4 derniers chiffres, je n'ai eu que des réponse négatif.
Alors est il normal qu'il faille donner ses 4 derniers chiffres de sa carte bleue pour récupérée son compte.