como si hubiera borrado, me metí a hotmail y los restablecí,, sin embargo ya nunca aparecen conectados, aunque lo estén, y yo no aparezco para ninguno., ojala alguien me pueda ayudar.
when one of my contacts merges msn with skype, do I still see this contact in my msn contact list?
 Bonsoir ,

J'ai voulu telecharger SKYPE , depuis je n'ai plus HOTMAIL , ni  MSN , est ce lier au menace que j'avais reçu par mail , auquel je vous en avais informer .... COmment faire pour recuperer HOTMAIL .... Je vous remercie pour votre aide

bien cordialement



merci de me donner la marche a suivre


j arrive pas a ouvrir mes email sur msn

hello where can i redownload the msn live msg in the mean time till it retires march 15th


 When I am 'talking' to someone and use a smiley face to ilastrate something, it shows up like ( F ) for flower, but goes to the other person as a rose, and does this with all the icons. We an icon is sent in reply, it also comes in as a letter (F) ? ? ? 
i cant open my windows live messenger 2 days ago and the error code:80072f0d
I cant sign in in msn ,with other accounts yes but with mine not , please help me 
Hola no puedo entrar al msn me marca error 80072f0d, que es eso????

 Can i have a second e-mail account that is without it being a