My livemail cannot locate or access the contacts in my windows 7 contacts list.   Why is this and what do I do to link them?
How do I update my  Skype privacy settings?
How Do I Delete a Contact in Skype? 

suddenly I can't open my emails.  everything is slower but when i finally get into hotmail...none of my emails will open or even delete


[Moved - IE7, XP]

Do I need to pay for Skype?


please help

can deleted emails from weeksm, months or even years ago be restored??

I require an answer urgently



When I sign-in now and enter the address and password, the font size is really tiny.  How do I get it back to normal size at sign-in?
I swept several sender's unwanted email and checked for all future mail to be blocked but I keep getting mail from the same senders.  Any suggestions?
While I know I can import emails from other email programmes, if I do that can I still view them on my other email programme?