I have a list of names along with email addresses.  How can I get these names and email addresses to my contacts list without having to individually key each one?  Can I copy and paste?

I received an e-mail from a friend and was one of twenty people he sent it to.  I would like to forward the e-mail but I don't want to forward everyone e-mmail address the it was sent to.  How do I get rid of all of the addresses.


in my Wheter app  the Whether is in imperial, but I like it in metric temperatures
My attchments are encoded; I need to change that.  I was told to move the attachment to my desktop, but do not see any means for doing that on Hotmail.

Hotmail works fine on one of our computers.  Our laptop has full Hotmail except it will not send messages.  Sometimes it will show a alert "try sending later".


What can I do?

In my junk folder in hotmail some emails have started to come throu with a blue arrow next to them, its pointing down, what does it mean?

It isn't all of them, and I haven't opened or replied or forwarded them.
Every once in a while my addresses list in a new email stops displaying names and only display the email addresses, even though all the contacts are in my address book.  Why do you suppose this happens?