Hi folks,


I know this sounds silly but I have just signed up to Live Mail and all  i want to do is log out !


How do I do it please?


Thanks heaps,



δεν μπορω να ανοιξω καθολου τα email μου και μου βγαζει συνεχεια οτι υπαρχει καποιο προβλημα 
All Hotmail calendar data is shifted to the left. I'm using IE10 Beta. Calendar data is correct on another PC using IE9.  
I can't get contact categories to allow me to create new groups.  This changed about 2 months ago when the format was changed.
I can't get contact categories to allow me to create new groups.  This changed about 2 months ago when the format was changed.
         Hola por favor llevo varios dias con problemas para enviar correo deseo que me ayuden
         Hola por favor llevo varios dias con problemas para enviar correo deseo que me ayuden

I need to delete unused folders.    How do I do this please? Where has the "manage folders" link gone?



この要求を完了できませんでした。ご報告いただいた問題について Microsoft よりお問い合わせさせていただく場合があります。  引き続きこのメッセージが表示される場合は、サービスの状態 にアクセスして、Outlook に問題が発生していないかどうかを確認してください。


I am able to delete emails only a few at a time,  even when I select bulk or many more to delete.