I want to delete an address in my hot mail address book that I no longer use.  How do I do it?  Thanks.
I am unable to edit previously set up groups and I am unable to put contacts in a new group.  I work in a school and it is important to have contacts put into groups by grades.



se pueden recuperar  emai s de hotmail en la web


he  perdido o borrado conversaciones y  emails   y quiero recuperarlos los borre ppor error
how do I delete a contact? thanks
I need to update one of my groups but the process seems to have changed.  The only option I see now is to add a group or delete a group.

Can I have all of my emails recovered from 23SEP2008 - 23SEP2009 please?

Thank you very much,

I woudl like to know how to retrieve e-mails sent and/or received within the last 4 years