como apagar amigos indesejados que estão off line

Why does "sweep" not permanently delete junk mail BUT sends to & fills up "Deleted" mailbox??? I would prefer them OFF my computer.

Also getting emails in my junk box appearing to come from my contacts & addressing me by name BUT really from foreign/unknown email addresses.

I changed my password & somewhat better but starting up again. Is this "hacking"  do I need to change my email address?

I travel frequently and do NOT want Outlook to update my calendar with its local time zone settings (but I DO want my computer to update the display time).  When I make appointments, I make them according to the local time zone where I'll be traveling.  I do not want to hassle with setting the appointment to the time zone where I'll be traveling.  Is there a way to turn time zone support OFF?  
All Ineed to know please is how to completely turn OFF that little Today pop up box thing that opens each time I log on to my MSN messenger,thank you ;-)

Yes, that's right, I want to turn this OFF or edit it so that read receipts go to the correct email address. I know what you're thinking, that you can't even use read receipts in MS Outlook for Mac. But I have been, although by accident. This is what happened in my case:

Years ago when I had MS Entourage I set it up to ask for a read receipt when I sent emails. I did this by doing the following steps:

1. In Entourage I selected "Tools." and then "Accounts."

2. I selected the "Mail" tab and selected the account I wanted to use read receipts with by double-clicking on the account name.

3. I then selected the "Options" tab.

4. And, in the box labeled "Header," I entered "Disposition-Notification-To" and typed my email address into the "Value" box. 

5. After clicking "OK", Entourage was set up to request read receipts.

When I purchased Office 2011 for Mac, and imported my Entourage accounts etc into Outlook, it also copied this setting for me. This was fine - it just kept requesting read-receipts and that was good.

HOWEVER, the email account I was using is now no longer active and what I'm finding is that whenever I send an email, that the recipients whose computers are actually trying to send a read receipt, are returning them an error message because the email it's trying to send the read receipt to an email address that can't be resolved.

So, how do I now change this in MS Outlook? I need to either remove the "Disposition-Notification-To" setting, or change it so that it goes to my current email address.

Thanks for any help. It will be very much appreciated!


meu msn é versão 2011 
oq faço para resolver?
I have two people who are asking for me to "friend" them in the messenger part of my email and I don't know who they are and the worst part is one has a **** picture of a little girl and I am outraged by this. How do I report this abuse?????? and get these kind of people that will spend eternity in **** off my messenger? Please help, jodimomof5 I can't believe this kind of horror exists.
13. July 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Hotmail · Tags: , , , ,
While I was AWAY for 2 days and the computer was OFF, my email account has apparently  sent 'Private Message' to everyone I've ever emailed! What can I do?

Hotmail is meant to be secure: what's going on?

I checked the time and date of one of the 'Private Messages' and it was around 9am on 12th July, in fact I was at home 2 miles away feeling ill.

The only other thing I know is that on Monday 9th July one of my best friends allegedly sent me a 'Private Message'. I couldn't open it, it was an ad for
an i-phone or something like that, which I can't afford and don't want. It asked questions I didn't understand and then it crashed. At the time I wondered
why my friend sent it, then I forgot about it. Now I know she probably didn't send it at all!