I have 13 licenses of Office Home and Business. I will create 3 MS Accounts for installation. After an year- PCs with Office will be transfered to different employees of the same company. What about skydrive? Can we create new skydrive space or something
I must preface this with revealing that I am an 82year old man that got in over his head!!!
With a hard drive that seems to be acting up on my 6 year old Dell Dimension switch Windows XP and MSN Money and Outlook 2003, I decided to attempt to get current switch the world. I bought a Lenovo H520S with Windows 8 from OfficeMax on July 15. I found
I would need Office Home and Business in order to run my Money Portfolio which is my workhorse along with Excel spreadsheets. So I bought it and they installed it and activated it on my new computer.
I started trying to work on my new items July 16 but gave up trying to conquer Windows 8 by July 18 after two nights of not being able to sleep with worry over abortive efforts. Today I returned everything to OfficeMax for credit. I learned they were
unable to accept software that had been activated even with any mind of override. Which they were willing to do. But they thought there would be a good chance that under the circumstances you might consider voiding out this program and allow a return to work
on their system. Or perhaps you would send me a Return Authorization that would allow me to receive credit for the $169.99 plus $14.02 tax ($184.01 total). Believe me that is a big item to a SS fixed income person.
They loaded your product with these specifics:
Product key. BDN2D-WV97C-MHW3X-76J7R
UPC Scan MST5DO15994103306975
User Name. *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Password. 1738Richland
Can you help me?j
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