Original post was answered, then closed. I too have the same issue - on now two iPhones. My wife's phone has been doing it since the 5 was released (removing outlook email fixes it, but she can't live without it) while our other 2 phones worked fine. However, my phone has started behaving the same way: more than 10% drop per hour... much more! Where just last month I would see a total battery loss of 20-25% for a full day's use (probably 16 hours unplugged) I'm now experiencing a complete drain to the point of shut off in 5 or 6 hours. Again, like my wife's, if I remove the Outlook email, the problem disappears.
Setting it to sync via "pull" is not a solution... it's a workaround. I held out for iOS7 to see if it cured the problem, but it has not. Two phones, one on iOS7 the other on iOS 6.1.4 have the same problem - with the MSN mail. Below is the original post that I found from MelHos from this past January. The resolution was some confuguration changes to the account, and that seemed to resolve the issue.
Can I request the same be made to the following?
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
and, to be safe,
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Thank you,
Sky Wolf
MelHos asked on January 27, 2013
Push Hotmail on iPhone constantly checking, draining battery
I think this is a strange one. When I configure my hotmail account in my iPhone 5 (via Hotmail or Exchange), if it is set to Push, the battery drains very, very quickly (10%+ per hour). My husband has an identical phone and his hotmail works fine with push. In addition, when my husband configures his hotmail account on my phone with push, everything is ok too. So this is down to my individual hotmail account and only when using it in push mode. Fetch mode is ok. The apple store guy suggested that the phone appears to be constantly checking for mails instead of just periodically. They have also replaced the phone twice (before the troubleshooting was so precise), so it is not the phone.
Wondering if anyone has any thoughts? I do not know how this all works, but is there some kind of flag that is stuck in an on position for my account telling my phone that there is some mail to check for?? No idea.
Any help would be appreciated.
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