I have a problem with both my hotmail account and my outlook account.
In October my hotmail account decided to continuously send three or four e-mails to the same person. They went into the sent box, but luckily the people to whom they were being sent, didn't receive them!
As my account stated that the mails were being sent from my telephone, I assumed that there was a problem there, and deleted the account from my phone. The mails kept being sent, stating from my phone.
I opened up an outlook account. I set up the mail account on a different phone. The problem is still occurring, saying sent from the phone. In the last 20 hours, the same mail has been sent over 100 times.
Can anyone shed any light on the problem?
Thank you!
[Original title: E-mail problems]
my account has been blocked and I found out I had to reset my password, apparently im not answering the questions correctly, I cant remember what emails I last send and the previous passwords ive used, hence why I have been using the reset tool as I have
a bad memory. Now I cannot access my email at all and I cant get the reset link sent to me as apparently I have requested a reset to many times. This Hotmail is linked to a lot of my accounts and is required for a lot of things. Their suggestion is to talk
to you guys or create a new account. The other problem I have now created is I have created an outlook account I don't know if it prompt me to. I just want my old Hotmail account back. I cant afford to loose the last 12 years worth of info I have on there
please help me out.
The questions are ridiculous, how am I supposed to remember who I sent an email to on a daily basis and what the topic was?? I cant remember the password how am I supposed to remember that when I have a very bad memory. I reset my password today 11/12/13,and is
still not working.. I am stressed right now.
Everything imported to an outlook account and none of my Hotmail was imported!! Where did it go? Thank you so kindly.
After you create an alias on your outlook account, it asks you whether you want to move your current inbox to a different folder.
I did this for one of my aliases, but by accident, I also created a new sub folder for my primary alias.
How can I change it back so that my INBOX is connected with my PRIMARY alias? Right now Im getting all my mail through these subfolders while my inbox remains empty. Its very annoying.
Hey guys! Doing a lot of 'email restructuring' here, so I started a new outlook.com email address, and am going to use that for all my stuff.
I have an old yahoo account, that had all of my MSN messenger contacts, and I guess now, skype contacts (they got merged, or some such?).
What I want is just to add those contacts to this Outlook account, and switch my skype address over to this outlook account, etc.
But if I go into my new Outlook.com account settings and say Add an Alias, and enter the Yahoo address, it says It is Already taken, please try a new one (I know it's already taken, it's taken by me).
And vice versa, if I go into the Microsoft account that has the yahoo email address stored (Which is where all the contacts show up, under this microsoft login, with the yahoo email address) and try to add this Outlook alias, it says Already Taken. I was going
ot try to add this Outlook account as an Alias, and then switch it to the Main Alias.
Any ideas?
So, to summarize: Have Microsoft Account with a Yahoo email (Don't use the yahoo email at all). Have a new outlook.com email address, which I guess also has a microsoft account now. Want to move all contacts (And whatever else, I suppose?) from the Microsoft
account that is associated with the yahoo.com email, over to this new Outlook.com Microsoft account.
Thanks guys!
the past week I have been unable to synch my outlook account with my Yahoo account. I receive the following message: Error code 0x8004210a timed out waiting for response from the receiving (POP) server. I run Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft
Office 2010 tools, MacAfee virus protection and Windows 7 professional on a lenova computer. Thanks I really need the help
Along with the many other users who have posted in this community, I can't delete my hotmail account. Every time I try to deactivate my account I get the message "To close your Outlook account, you must first cancel your billing service. Go to Microsoft
Account and Billing Services." I've NEVER had anything set-up in Microsoft Billing Services. When I access Microsoft Account and Billing Services there is nothing there to cancel. Please help me get this Hotmail account deleted. I would like to create
a new username that's more professional appropriate, but would first like this account deactivated.
I would also like to point out that I first tried not using this account for over a year to allow it to deactivate on it's own. I didn't log into the account once for more than a year. Today I tried to verify that the account was no longer active, but
instead of saying it was not a valid account it asked me my security questions, re-set password, and logged back into an active account. I had never even used Hotmail when it was the new Outlook.
Please send me a private message so that I can respond with my Unique ID to get this account deleted.
I am trying to access my outlook account since last Thursday (8th Nov). The account was maintained by university.
For the first few days I got the following message;
This account can't be used to access Outlook.com
You're currently signed in with an Office 365 email account, which can't be used with Outlook.com. Please click here to
sign out of your Office 365 account, then use another Microsoft account to sign in to Outlook.com (for example, your hotmail.com, live.com, or msn.com account).
Now I am receiving this message instead of the above;
We're having trouble signing you in
You're currently signed in with a Microsoft account as xxxx but that account can't be used with Outlook Web App. Please sign out of your Microsoft account, then sign in to Outlook Web App with the account you use to read
your organization's email. Click here to sign out. Learn
I will be very pleased If anybody clearly states what needs to be done to resolve this issue. Please note that I have all suggested actions, different browsers, clearing caches etc.
Please help.
After you create an alias on your outlook account, it asks you whether you want to move your current inbox to a different folder.
I did this for one of my aliases, but by accident, I also created a new sub folder for my primary alias.
How can I change it back so that my INBOX is connected with my PRIMARY alias? Right now Im getting all my mail through these subfolders while my inbox remains empty. Its very annoying.
Hi, I have a very sensitive question about someones account, is there any chance I could talk to someone from Miscrosoft in private? Its urgent. Thank you
Everytime I attempt to access my outlook account it appears with an error message. The most recent was the following.
We're having trouble signing you in
You're currently signed in with a Microsoft account as xxx, but that account can't be used with Outlook Web App. Please sign out of your Microsoft account, then sign in to Outlook Web App with the account you use to
read your organization's email. Click here to
sign out. Learn more
I was signed in to my account with a office 365 account previously, but since I have left the university I do not have access through my organisational sign in page. Noted that a restructuring is taking place.
Does it mean that my outlook account, which was maintained by my university will be accessible after this so called construction is done?. This may sound like a very simple question nobody bothers to ask, but it will be very helpful if you could answer
this considering my low technical knowledge on issues like this.
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