I have written a sample code that bring email of one folder of Outlook email account between given date range. I am using Java Mail API 1.5 and Java 7.

For getting messages, I have written below code that search emails since 1-Jan-1970 to before 30-Oct-2013 -

Date FutureDate = new Date(2013 - 1900, 9, 30, 00, 00, 00);

Date PastDate = new Date(1970 - 1900, 0, 1);

SearchTerm newerThen = new ReceivedDateTerm(ComparisonTerm.LE, FutureDate);

SearchTerm olderThen = new ReceivedDateTerm(ComparisonTerm.GE, PastDate);

SearchTerm andTerm = new AndTerm(olderThen, newerThen);

Message[] msg = folder.search(andTerm);

Last week, this method is working fine for me. After that I didn't make any changes in my Mail API or other code too. but today when I try to run above code that code is returning zero length msg i.e. no message is found since 1-Jan-1970 to before 30-Oct-2013, though my folder contains 204 emails between this range.

Surprisingly, the same code working fine to search email of folders of Gmail as well as of Yahoo IMAP account.

Is there any problem with IMAP in outlook mail account.

Whenever I attempt to add an attachment to an Outlook email, I receive the dialog box that IE has stopped working and I cannot send the email with the attachment.
I like to create more folders in my outlook email.
Be course I have reached the maximum number of folders which comes with basic.
I  need help to get more space to create more folders in my account.
Is any body can help me this?
When i started my new computer and loaded windows it insisted i put an email address in. I tried all my email addresses and none would work maybe cause it was an outlook site so i wrote my wifes email....*** Email address is removed for privacy ***. (i know this is not outlook).  It let me through to use my computer but suggested at some point i need to verify the email address. When i go to the verification email and click, it takes me to the outlook sign in page. It wont allow me to sign in with this email address. I am now stuck as it wont let me change it either. In the meantime i have signed up for an outlook email acccount. This obviously still doesn't help me verify my computer. Any ideas?

When I bought 8.0, I used my email address which is  private company (I thought that is what it said to do).

Now I upgraded to 8.1 and was given an Outlook.com email and lost my old Outlook email files and history.....Help

i would like to migrate from google apps to outlook.com for my primary domain (call it primary.com)
frankly i find the constant new stuff on google just too much and i don't use 90% of it
i love the simplicity of outlook.com

i can work my way through setting up outlook.com with my own domain, no problem

but i currently have 3 outlook email address, 1 primary and 2 aliases (under the primary)
call them *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

i would like to end up with my own domain as my primary outlook.com address and then have my current *** Email address is removed for privacy *** as an alias and keep one of the other 2 current aliases (i would delete one)

so i would like to have

primary.com as my main address
*** Email address is removed for privacy *** as an alias
*** Email address is removed for privacy *** as a second alias

obviously all seen with a single sign on in a single account

if this makes sense, can anyone kindly tell me if this is doable 
i guess i could try but i just don't want to fiddle with all my mail records until i have a sense if it possible


I recently cannot attach some files (not a photo file but a file like Microsoft software file e.g. Microsoft Word or Excel and PDF files) to my outlook email when trying to send an email with an attached document. As soon as I add the attachment to the email,  there is a problem between outlook and internet explorer and the email program in outlook is closed by Internet Explorer and I lose the email that I am drafting. I now have to be sending attached files from my other email accounts and not from outlook or my hotmail account which is very inconvenient. Please fix this problem immediately for Outlook users with Internet Explorer 10.

Thanks in advance Patricia

I am having an issue forwarding my Outlook email to Gmail. I receive the following error when I change the setting for forwarding email.

You can't forward mail to your original address. Please enter another email address.

I have not found any answers to this question. It seems like you help users fix this on a person to person basis. I would appreciate any help you can provide.

Thank you.