How do I save my Outlook Express email addresses to a disk? I'm soon to be transfered to another dept with a new computer. Also, my browser favorites in IE8.



I bought a brand new HP desktop with Windows 8 and want to transfer my Outlook Express email from my old Acer computer with Windows Vista.

I'm trying to get my Outlook Express email into the cloud before changing my Windows XP laptop to a new Windows 8 model.

I signed up for a new live mail account ( and it offers to import my emails using the Mail Migration app.

I installed the app and it recognised 2 Outlook Express email accounts on my computer (I'm only aware of one), both with the same name and number of emails.

I asked it to copy all emails (approx. 9,000) but I get this error message:

"There's a problem adding your account right now. Please try again later".
When I look at online, the folders that contained messages have been imported but no emails.
I have tried repeatedly but always get the same error message.
I had already tried importing the messages into Outlook 2003 but the task completed with only ~90% of emails imported. After doing that 3 times, I've given up on that approach.
This is very frustrating. Please help.