how do I manually refresh my outlook inbox and how do I put people on my safe list
I have had a hotmail address since God was a boy (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***), all my family and friends know it and use it when we exchange email. I would like to keep my original hotmail address just for family and friends so I opted for an Alias Outlook address
(*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) on the hotmail account with its own inbox.
The above works great and I receive Alias Outlook email straight into the specified inbox.
Problem: Say I receive an Alias Outlook addressed email (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) into my Alias Outlook inbox and I want to reply to it without giving my name and original hotmail address (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) in the From: address section of the email I'm sending as a reply - how on earth do I do that?
The Alias thing is a great idea but if I can't reply to Alias addressed email using the Alias address - I don't really see the point of it - I might just as well go and open another fresh email account using an Alias name.
If the above is just me being DOH and Alias email can be replied to showing the Alias address and not my personal hotmail address I'd be really grateful to know how.
Thank you all.
i thought i lost all my e-mails in my msn inbox but i was able to send it from trash to my inbox but this is very frustrating. i want to delete e-mails from outlook. i should not have to go through all this every time. i would appreciate it if someone
can help me with this problem.
Iam unable to login to my outlook inbox when iam signing in to the is opening some microsoft account page..and asking me to change the profile details... and i am unable to redirect tio my inbox..can u please check on this and help me at the
My default email account is set to send only. How can I change this?
I noticed I wasn't receiving as many emails as usual in Outlook so I logged in to Hotmail and found emails there that weren't in my Outlook inbox. I discovered that my mail had been fraudulently forwarded, stopped that, and changed my password. Is there
a way to get the emails that show in the Hotmail Inbox to load into my Outlook Inbox?
I recently installed Office Mac 2011 14.3.2. Outlook Inbox downloads files but stops updating. I tried clearing the cache, re-installing etc. but nothing seems to work. Is there a resolution to this problem? PLEASE HELP
In outlook, my numbered new mail notification still shows 1 new email. I have emptied the entire inbox, saving the read messages to different folders. I have also tried to "mark all as read" and "delete all" options - no change. I am still getting the
new mail notification ("Inbox" in bold type, with a circled #1).
Can you add your own field chooser in your Outlook inbox with the option of having in cell editing like Microsoft Outlook 2007 for Windows?
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