

We have a domain on domains.live.com


Domain Name: consult-us.co.in

Nature of Business: Insurance, real estate

Location: India, Mumbai


We would like to reset a password for one of the user in this domain can you please enable the password reset option in the admin center. So that we can give new password to a user.


Awaiting your response.

I need the facility to change the user password at domain.live.com

My domain name is - agsystem.ru



I need the password reset option enabled for my hosted domain on the Windows Live Admin Center. My domain is lendacapital.com.

I hope you can help me with this request.


Thanks and regards!



Could you please enable reset password option in the windows live admin center for my domain "pestlemortarclothing.com"?


Respected Sir,
              I had configured your live mail service with my paid domain www.perfectfashion.in, now i want a password reset service to be enable in this domain so that in future if needed i can reset the password of email accounts of this domain whenever required.

              This domain is for a Textile Clothes fashion company what to generate selling online, through for the communication with their online customer this email service is configured

Best Regards

Please enable the password reset option for cropp.co.uk in Admin Center domains.live.com


I need the password reset option enabled for my hosted mx domain on the Windows Live Admin center. My domain is dataaviator.com

I need password reset option enabled for my custom domain emails on the Windows Live Admin center

My domain is: eurodripcolima.com
