Ok so here is my issue,

I originally discovered that I am unable to access my Windows Live Account when attempting to sign in and register my copy of Flatout Ultimate Carnage. While in game it asks for your username and password for your live account, I proceeded to input this information. It then tells me that my username or password is incorrect, I have tried all possible passwords that would be possible for this account. After these failed I attempted to log into my live account at login.live.com from multiple computers, however I was unable to do so, again same issue, wrong username or password. I then proceeded to try a password reset by using the "Cannot access your account?" link on the login.live webpage. After inputting my email address for my live account I am then putting in the security verification code required to verify I am indeed a human, I am prompted if I would like to have link emailed to me or a code sent to my phone. I then choose the option for email me the link, once I have received the link I am provided with two options, a link for accepting the password reset and a link for reporting it that I did not request it. At this time I select the one that tells me to click it if I want to proceed with the reset. A new window opens up and I am presented with option to input a new password and confirm password. I put in a password that meets the minimum required password requirements and verify it, at this point I am presented with a page that states.....
There's a temporary problem

There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you continue to get this message, try again later.

I have proceeded to try later.... this message has popped up everytime I have tried without fail for the last 2 weeks. During this time I have contacted Microsoft and XBOX support multiple times and they are unable to assist and have sent me to this location. There are several other important pieces of information I suppose I should share as well, the game is a PC game that I have successfully tied to my account before and have done so multiple times, as I have multiple computers and have re-installed windows many many times. Second and most important point I would like to bring up is that all of these issues have started since I tried to re-tie my live account to my home server url... let me explain. I own a copy of Windows Home Server 2011, I originally set it up to use the url of *****.homeserver.com (information omitted for security), this is using the free domain name service provided by microsoft. For some reason that I have no recollection of at the moment, I had to re-set up the website portion of this operating system for remote access. During this time I constantly receive a message that states it is unable to set up the domain name and that there was a problem connecting to the Microsoft Domain Name Service. (More detailed information can be obtained if necessary) In a nutshell though, I am unable to sign into my live account, unable to reset my live account, and for some unknown and ungodly reason, nobody seems to know at microsoft what the issue is. If I had to take a crack at it.... I would say there is a conflict in my Live account information between two servers, or two ghost accounts of some sort that refuse to sync, and this is causing an authentication error and errors everytime an attempt to modify the account is made, hence my issues. If anybody has any brilliant solutions to this conundrum, they would be much appreciated.

I need password reset option enabled for my custom domain emails on the Windows Live Admin center
Please help, I need the admin password reset option for users on my Live domains:

Thank you!

Steven Q. Stultz
Gallowa, OH, US
How can I reset a user's password with an Outlook.com custom domain. A user forgot their password, and needs access to the account.

The domain is therealyou.ca. Thanks.


please enable password reset setting for below domains



please enable password reset setting for below domains


 Hi, I need the password reset option enabled for my user's account on my custom domain on the Windows Live Admin center. Some accounts on my domain are pass from users to users and I don't want to delete and recreate the same account each time. 

domain name: looiba.com

Jack Koh
Please enable the password reset option for my domain itinvn.com registerd at domains.live.com. Thank all!
May I have the Password Reset option on the Windows Live Admin center

Domain Name: skydean.com

Thank you!