I tried putting @Instagram.com on safe list under my hotmail settings and I've tried password reset request from instagram over 2 dozen times. Still nothing in my hotmail.com inbox. HELP!!
I need password reset option enabled for my custom domain emails on the Windows Live Admin center
With the new terms of service xbox live dashed out I needed to get to the details of parent account which hasn't been used in years so in much the case I followed all the steps leading into recovering the account but none of the emails attached to it no
longer active as well. So I've had to use my main email address and try from their but due to lack of details I was unable to reset the password and is now blocked.
Is there anyway to have it unblocked and password reset? So i can get back to just playing games on my xbox without the trouble of having the parent account ruining my experience?
I need the password reset option enabled for my hosted mx domain on the Windows Live Admin center. My domain is actrightlegal.org.
Hi Microsoft Support Team,
I am using outlook mail service with my domain(www.goldenvertex.com.mm). It was difficult when we open new email account with domain name because it need to make Mobile Message Activation. In our country(Myanmar), it not available for activation. And when
we want to reset existing account password, it not include this feature. So, we would like to request this two feature to support team.
i would like to request for the password reset option for the domains linked to my hotmail account *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
nature of business are :
My hotmail account has been hacked on 29th October, 2013. By the time I received the password reset link I found that the same was in the junk folder and the same had expired. I again requested you to send me the link and after having informed me that
my account has been verified, the password reset link has not yet been received by me.
My hotmail (outlook) account has been hacked and this is the email id of the hacker *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
I would request you to send me the reset link to the following ids
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
I hope that you take strict action against this hacker whose email id I received from my gmail settings. Before hacking my account he inserted one more alternate email id and Google informed me if I had changed my settings. This is how I came to know.
May I also request you to send me an sms on +91 9820117021
I want my account back asap.
Thank you very much.
Phiroze N. Mehta
Please provide the password reset option for mymarketdeal.com and pinalywebsoft.com for which the admin can reset the password of the employee.Please provide it asap. We need it. Thanx
Hi! i would like to request a password reset option for email accounts on all the domains linked to my outlook.com *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
natures of business are:
Medical Products
i have not included the domains for security reasons :)
Thank you!
I have two outlook.com accounts, one is a live account, the other a hotmail account. I can easily access my live account however my hotmail account is showing an incorrect password. I have tried multiple times for a password reset for my hotmail account
but with no success. I have even tried filling out the questionare to reset the password twice and I still can't access my account. Does anyone know what I can do or who I can contact to rectify this asap?
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