I have received email supposedly from windows live telling me that I have to confirm personal info or my account will be cancelled is this a fake or is it real !!

It gives me a link but the link doesnot work or it takes me to Bird in hand restaurant . It says I have 24hrs to confirm or I loose my account :(

Some pretenting to be from Hotmail support team is asking my personal info including my DOB. Also saying if I dont update my account with these info my account will be shut down. Is it genuine request or fraud ? Any one had the same experience ?
I keep receiving emails, suposedly, from either windows live team or msn customer care, asking for personal info like user id, password, date of birth, and country of origin.  I can I find out if these emails are legit or some attempt at id theft and if it is phoney how and who do i report them to?

Unless I provide my personal information to update my account, they say I am going to lose my hotmail account permenantly.

I do not know if this is really the msn hotmail sending this email to me.

Please advise if I need to respond with my personal info to update my account.

One that sent me this notice is (Removed PII)

