Hello, I've received an e-mail from a 'phone in India but the time says +0000. The differance is 5 1/2 hrs. Are they not in India?
This email is exclusive from Windows Live™ You are receiving this message from Windows Live because we've noticed some unusual activity in your hotmail account. Someone has tried to log into this account severally with wrong passwords that violates the Windows Live Terms of Service As part of our continuing commitment to protect our integrity, we request you fill in the correct details to below. This is a routine to make sure that the account truly belongs to you and we will not be making a huge mistake by closing it.
- Name: ...............................................
- Windows Live ID:................................
- Password: ..........................................
- Registered since:.................................
- Birth date:...........................................
- Country/region:...................................
- Phone Number:...................................
After verification, we'll send a verification code to your mobile phone. All you need is a phone that can receive text messages. After you enter the code, you can sign in and change your password. We don't normally like to interrupt you, but security is really important to us
Be warned that failure to reply this email with the following details 24hrs after receiving this notification, your account will be blocked.
Windows Live Team

How do I transfer my "People" individual and group contacts from my Hotmail account to my gmail Google acct, and then to my Android cell phone and and to my Amazon Kindle Fire?
Thank you
Suddenly I can't get my Outlook or phone to sync to my Hotmail Account. Getting error: "There is an error syncronizing your mail account. Please verify your account is configured correctly by first accessing your mail on the web. Error: 4202".
I contacted MS - no help...they had me change my password, still getting the same error... Help!
Dear Sirs,
I have a Hotmail account *** Email address is removed for privacy *** with my ex work number ***** but 3 or 4 days ago it was hacked. Someone in my company knew my jobs mobile phone number. He hacked my account. His name *****. his number is *****
Now I can't log into my account. I dont remember my account security details etc.
Please can you help me.
Than You very much.
Yours Faithfully,
Ersan Celik
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