0ver the last few days I have stored all my documents and photos. 35 document files and 5 photo files. My system is windows 8.1.
The documents have worked ok and I can view these on my I pad but they say that 1287 of my photos could not be moved. Please help
1) Why didn't additional photo files upload to cloud as previous ones did?
2) Why did icon disappear?
3) Is any of this due to fact that I may have previously uploaded 7 MB?
4) If so, shouldn't there be some kind of notification vs. just making the icon disappear and still allowing me to drag things into the Skydrive folder?
5) If so, is there a way to buy more storage?
Without being able to check the box my photo files are going in to Skydrive too large. change in zoom, reboot, different photo files do not help. Please advise.
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