I have Windows XP. I'd like to know how to put a small attachment photo for my signature at the bottom of my email page. If possible I'd like to

select a couple photos so they'd alternate on my emails at random. Is this possible?

Hello, I am new to Microsoft, Outlook and Hotmail.  I set up a live.co.uk email address as my name was not available as hotmail.co.uk.  I then set up an alias, but for some reason my name was now available as hotmail.co.uk.  Weird I thought, but I took the alias anyway as it was available.


However, since I sent a few emails back and forth to test it via the new look Outlook, my email address (both primary and alias) are coming up with someone else's photograph.  I imagine the person who held the email address before me.  When I look at my own profile, there is no photo there. 


1. Why was my name not available as a primary email address, but available as an alias?  Is it possible I have accidentally "stolen" a live email address as my alias?

2. How do I stop the other person's photo from showing as an avatar through Outlook.com, when there is no photo on my own profile?

Many thanks in advance for any support/advice.




**EDIT - I've worked out that the photo is from a Facebook page of a girl who (used to?) have a Facebook with my new alias email address.  What can I do to unlink this incorrect Facebook account?


I get the 0x80070057 error when sending photos.  The photo comes up on my computer, with references toSkyDrive which I don't want.  How do I get rid of SkyDrive and be able to send the photos.  thanks

I recently switched from Hotmail to outlook ( the new version of Hotmail) and can not imbed photo's in any emails. Can anyone tell me how to do this?


 recently I cannot upload pictures in reduced size as attachments to Hotmail.

also I have to upload "one at the time"..

very many adressee's are un-able to receive an attachment greater then 5 MP

meaning I can send the message,but without any photo's

        please help.......nicely-retired

receiving messages with lots of pictures(reduced) NO problem..!

on my windows live messenger next to you picture is a box to write a status on the old one you were able to delete it and this one is not allowing me to delete i went to the social updates and click on me to delete it that way and sign out and back in to windows live and its still showing so how do i remove it now if that didnt work thanks
How can I had a photo in my outgoing email to replace the little grey men at the top'

so that the recepient would see my photo instead af the little grey men. on his incoming email

j'ai  un  problème  si je veux  ouvrir  ma fenêtre de con,versation  , celle ci disparait et je dois ,aller la rechercher , il y a aussi  les smyllei HYHIO que je ne peux rajouter dans mes messages car le HYHIO  se cache derrière la barre de smeyleis  de messenger .

JE NE PEUX  NON PLUS CHANGER LA PHOTO  de ma page  , pourtant hier  après m'être inscrite  avec  une autre adresse j'arrivais à changer la photo en allant  dans les photos de mon PC.

merci  de me donner  un conseil

can't send photo email, error Ox80004005 comes up each time. how to overcome this please