I received an email error after sending photo attachment:
Delete the photo email, create a new one, and try to send it again.
Windows Live Mail Error ID 0x8CCC0003
Port: 25

Now I am unable to send any emails, and I do not know how to delete this error message.  Help

Windows 7
Windows Live Mail 2011


Moved from the Windows Update forum to Windows Live Mail | Sending and Receiving Mail 

     Tried all I can.. Seems no one has an answer yet?

  Delete the photo email, create a new one, and try to send it again.

Server: 'smtp.gmail.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8CCC0002
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 465
Secure(SSL): Yes

My computer seller set up my Windows Live so I could send emails with cut and paste photo option.  This works fine, but now all my mail goes out

with someone elses name on the message.  It shows the sender as as a person from my contact list.....not me!  How do I change the sender name?

When someone receives an email from me.....it displays this other person....not me.  Therefore, they are deleting messages.  If I send emails through

Internet Explorer, all is okay.  It only happens when I send or forward through Windows Live.


Please help and thanks,  Cheryl 

I add a new friend in messenger and I can see some details like a photo, but we are not connected andcnnot see when thepersonis onloine, and we cannot chat.

Is there a limit of number of friends ?


Also, I cannot see the sky drive of some friends.  I could do that before MSN changed to Outlook.


Thanksfor support.

/ L

Photo email forwarded not the same as received. A horizontal line of Thumbnail photos have replaced email that was in a scroll down format with descriptions above each photo. The thumbnail method makes the email useless.

I would like a correction on this to properly send photo email.


Thank you

Photo email forwarded not the same as received. A horizontal line of Thumbnail photos have replaced email that was in a scroll down format with descriptions above each photo. The thumbnail method makes the email useless.

I would like a correction on this to properly send photo email.


Thank you

My Windows photo galary and Windows live messenger (vista) has stopped working I have downloaded Windows Live Essentials but this has not fixed the problem.  Can you advise on corrective action to take?


When I power up my laptop error message appears advising that these services are not working.

I tried to send a photo email and an error occured. Windows Live Mail Error ID: Ox8CCC0002. Now I can't send any emails.

Since I have intalled a Serif Photo programme all my phtos appear as prohibited files

I am using WIndows Live Mail with Windows 7 Home Premium Operating system.


WHen I receive an email with photos embedded in the body of the email and FORWARD the Email,

the photos are not included in the forwarded email.


Please advise settings I need to use in order to be able to forward a received email

that has photos in the body of the email ( not attachements)


The enaails that I refer to are usually a series of photos with text above each

photo describing the photo. "Saving" the photos and then "attaching" them

to the forwarded email text .. does not place each photo below the

descriptive text.


PLease advise how to successfully forward emails with embedded photos.


                  Thank you,