what are the new outlook.com pop3 settings for outlook mail client
In Mail for Mac do i choose Microsoft Exchange to create my new Outlook mail? (If yes, what is the direction server, etc etc...?) or do i choose another type of mail? (pop, exchange, imap, imap exchange and what direction server,etc ,etc... )

In iPhone do i Choose Microsoft Exchange o Microsoft Hotmail? ( and of course directions server in both,etc etc...)

Please Help!
Having just read an article about hotmail being on its way out I logged onto outlook.com and updated and transferred my @hotmail.com account into an @outlook.com account. All my hotmail emails are still being transferred through to this account but I can't access them through my Iphone mail programme. The hotmail POP settings I have previously successfully used to access my hotmail emails via my iphone mail programme appear to have become automatically obsolete. And I can't find new @outlook.com POP outgoing/incoming mail server settings anywhere to add a new 'outlook' POP account to my iphone. Please can someone help? Thank you!
I am on  Lion 10.7.4. I have a single Pop account in Outlook . I can add contacts to the address book, no trouble. However, the 'contacts search' cannot find them. Any suggestions?

I'm looking to test this some more and was wondering if there are POP3 Setting available for the new Outlook.com


 Account: 'pop.charter.net', Server: 'POP.charter.net', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR [IN-USE] account is locked by another session or for maintenance, try again.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92


This is the error msg I get after I type in user name and password - over and over and over and over.  Phone call to tech support is one BIG JOKE.