(removed for privacy)

please  help to restore

I have opened two new account  with hotmail and you have denied my passwords on both accounts. now you want me to open another  so you can denie it once more .check it out  the first account was *** Email address is removed for privacy ***  which the was no e-mail sent from . The second was *** Email address is removed for privacy *** with one e-mail sent from.                   
Microsoft me indica que habra mi correo con erasbelais@hotmail,com,ar, pero no lo puedo hacer porque la página se abre directamente con *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. Cuandi entro a la bandeja de entrada, desde mi nombre al costado derecho, arriba, puedo cliquear y entonces aparace "erasbelais...". Es decir, esta última está vinculada a "benedictova...". ¿Es comprensible mi explición?

From:*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Dear *********************

In order to keep our customers safe, we had to suspend your e-mail account. This happened because your e-mail was tagged as a VIRUS account.

That's why you're prompted to verify your account to re-activate your Hotmail e-mail service by following the link below:

Spammers sometimes use automated programs to create WindowsLive or other email accounts and then send unsolicited spam messages to others.

When you click the verification link, you're asked to login again on our secured website. By completing our verification form, you prove that you're a human, and not a spam program.

Hotmail will occasionally prompt you to verify your account again, just to make sure you're still you and your account hasn't been compromised for spam purposes.

Thank you ,

WindowsLive e-mail security department

I havnt yet clicked on the link as i dont think its legit, any help would be great , thanks :)

ive tried every thing . just find more people asking the same question on the web. tried going to start all programs .then there is no windows contacts like the web said. in hot mail at one time i could just right click and delete  the contact .they were of the list but could still contact you at a later date  i dont want to block these people .


  *** Email address is removed for privacy ***  please help the feed back wont answer.

친구추가를 하면 '완료되었습니다' 라고 메세지 박스가 뜨지만


그 아래에는


'현제 Windows Live 서비스를 사용할 수 없으나 서비스 재개 즉시 *** Email address is removed for privacy ***님이 회원님의 대화 상대로 바로 추가되므로

따로 작업하지 않아도 됩니다.'


라고 나옵니다.

물론 다른 메신쳐 친구 메일을 추가해도 마찬가지로 뜹니다.


어떻게 처리를 해야 해결되는지 빠른답변 부탁드립니다.

지금 친구추가를 하지 못해 일을 못하고 있습니다.

I received a mail from "Windows Live Team" (from *** Email address is removed for privacy ***) informing me that IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED and asking for my Name, Username, PASSWORD, Date of birth & Country. As far as I know, PASSWORD is never asked. So, I am suspicious. I want to know from genuine Microsoft support, if this should be answered.

I  can't  sign  in at  hotmail. Help  me  please

My email  is  t*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Thank  you.

Bes  Regard


Windows Live Mail

Would like to block all Email with "contact" as name. For example:

FROM: *** Email address is removed for privacy *** (Where can be any domain)

It doesn't do any good to block the domain because they change it every day.