i can't connect wit *** Email address is removed for privacy *** to live messenger but i connect wit other adresses and i can acces to my online mail with iexplorer
Hi.I'm in fight with one person and we are not talking.I have this person on MSN and I can see him when he comes online.But is it still posible that he deleted me?I was reading through the internet that you can still see someone online even if that person deleted you.I'm using 2009 version of messenger for windows xp.I've tried this, options -> privacy and then who has me(or add me?) as a contact but that person isn't there.So am I deleted or...?
uma pessoa cujo hotmail é *** Email address is removed for privacy *** hackeou a senho do hotmail de um contato meu e está enviando emails pra mim indevidos e indecorosos. o que devo fazer. o memial do meu contato é: *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. Aguardo uma ajuda de voces. Devo trocar a senha do meu hotmail tbm? obrigada
I can not find subject line, can not searching email....
please let me know
(removed for privacy)
E-mail has been blocked **Remove for privacy** Please reply as soon as
لماذا يتم حذف موضوعي عند مراسلة لماكروسوفت لفك الحضر عن ايميلي *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

ارجو الافاده في اسرع وقت ممكن !
no puedo acceder a mi correo *** Email address is removed for privacy ***   Lo sentimos, algo salió mal
Texto original
Sorry, something went wrong
Sugiere una traducción mejor

Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo. Si sigues viendo este mensaje, vaya a Estado del servicio para verificar si hay un problema con Hotmail o para reportar el problema

I have been using my home email address for messenger for the longest time.  Now I am unable to log in, or reset my password or re-create the account.  I get the error code 80048821 if I try to sign in.  I get "the account is not available" if I try to re-create it.






I am using *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and a unable to sign into messanger, what can I do to resolve this problem?

I am inviting people to be friends with me on Messenger, but they are not receiving the email. What should I do?

Please email me at: *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Thank you!