I received an email that says it is from Windows Live Customer Care (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***).  It says this is my final warning that I need to upgrade my account or it will be deactivated.  It asks for my full name, user name, password, year of birth, and country.  Is this email legitimate?

I've just noticed an odd behaviour with Outlook 2011 for Mac.  I search for a word/sender/phrase etc.  in a set of mails in a folder.  The search only finds items created on or before 29 November.  For messages after this date the search result is blank - even if I cut and paste a word from the mail into the search box.  The search result is blank or only includes messages prior to 30Nov2012.

Just to be clear - if *** Email address is removed for privacy *** sent me a message about Doom on 28 Nov 2012 and a message about Doom on 6 Dec 2012 and they are still in my Inbox then a search for "xyzzy" or "dungeon" or "*** Email address is removed for privacy ***" or "Doom" will only return the 28 Nov message in the search results.

Spotlight finds all the messages OK  - and the Microsoft data folders are not in the Spotlight  Privacy box, so I don't think it's a Spotlight issue. There are no folders in the Spotlight Privacy box.

I've tried re-building the database with <option+click><rebuild>.  The rebuild reported a successful rebuild but the search behaviour is still as above.

MBA 10.7.5
Outlook 2011 14.2.5

Thanks in advance for any help.

I want to ask if there is a possibility for implementing a additional option for blocking e-mails from certain senders in Hotmail.
Let me give an example:
1: I get an E-mail from: (Email address removed for privacy)
2: I block this e-mail address (and domain: @uqysltqx.com)
3: Later I get an e-mail from: (Email address removed for privacy)
CLEARLY this senders is changing its sender-ID to bypass blockage of spam in Hotmail and certainly everywhere else.
I would like a possibility to block the senders "first name" if you will.
Add: LuxuryReplicas@* to blocked senders or domains
Or add: LuxuryReplicas@"all domains" to blocked senders or domains
So whenever someone sends an e-mail with this first name, it gets blocked, and I won't have to delete it over and over again.
I believe this would apply to many people around the world, and I hope you put this at a high priority to add to our options of blocking spam.
If such a thing already is possible, I would like to know in your response to me.
ไม่สามารถ sign in เข้า hotmail ได้ คำถามป้องกันความปลอดภัยถูกเปลี่ยน *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

Mon adresse était



*** Email address is removed for privacy ***


elle est maintenant


*** Email address is removed for privacy ***



je veux revenir a


*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

When I delete an email, it does not go into the deleted file. Sometimes I accidently delete an email and am unable to pull it back into my email. Does anyone have an answer?  It seems this problem developed several months ago.

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

cordial saludo tengo un problema con la cuenta *** Email address is removed for privacy *** ya que trato de iniciar sesion y me dice  error 80048821 y que la cuenta no existe ayudenme por favor
Perchè di punto in bianco non riesco ad accedere al mio account di posta?
 ID *** Email address is removed for privacy *** 
psw: isabel 
non posso reimpostare la password perchè sono impostati vecchi indirizzi di posta alternativi..
ho urgenza perchè mando curriculum di lavoro così, e dovrei ricevere risposte..
per favore risolvete al più presto dato che nemmeno completando il modulo riesco ad entrarci..
Grazie mille