I have been going around in circles trying to find a solution in everyone's posts regarding the Instagram issues. All you guys knew to say was to either check our stupid private messages that gave us nothing new to do, or basically to check our junk/spam folder for the billionth time.

This is so unprofessional, and this is taking ages to fix. What kind of "support" is this? A suggestion: how about you just tell us what to do on the thread rather than tell us to check our private messages? It'll help millions of users who are having the same problem.

One more thing, when will this be solved? It's been over 2 weeks. This is not Instagram's problem, its yours. Also, we cannot contact Instagram, do your research.

After replying to another thread (http://answers.microsoft.com/thread/dd8811a0-c873-4e37-9d1c-da69a58f6a15), and providing more information in private messages to Microsoft support, I was asked by Eugene R. (http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/profile/9e318ed7-b793-4987-af5d-16dce522e79e) to open up a new thread so this issue may be escalated.


To summarize, we are unable to receive messages on our domain (xdrradiology.com) from any Microsoft mail service (Hotmail, MSN, outlook.com).


We have no trouble receiving mail from other sources (including gmail.com for example). The problem is specific to email being sent from MS mail services.


Here is an example of the error (I put asterix in to mask part of the email address - I can send in the full header if you'd like in a private message):


Final-Recipient: rfc822;********@xdrradiology.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 The mail could not be delivered to the recipient because the domain is not reachable. Please check the domain and try again


This is preventing certain customers from reaching us so we'd like to get this resolved as soon as possible. I already had our web host (hostingdivision.com) look into things on their end, and they are not seeing anything unusual. And, like a said earlier, the addresses on xdrradiology.com are not having any trouble receiving mail from other sources. We are also not having any trouble sending mail to any sources from xdrradiology.com addresses.


Thank you very much for your help!


This is the third time I am begging for help. People say they will help and no one responds. I am in dire straights and just need someone to create a private thread that I can work with. My account was locked down due to "suspicious activity" and I spent hours chatting, researching and creating links, verifying codes etc...All I want is my old address accessible somehow. PLEASE someone assist and follow through this time.

I have been waiting for Microsoft to solve a problem for over a year. I have been communicating via "Private Messages" and now the blog no longer accepts my private messages. What a mess.


My original Problem: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windowslive/forum/email/why-does-my-font-change-unexpectidly-as-i-write/23c1b560-b2d2-4b16-b3f3-f7f07fa7b4f6

I  have tried several times to retrieve my personal messages and still nothing.
Can you either post my private messages on this thread or email them to me please?
There is no reason for them to be private as they contain no personal data.
And it can help others with the same issue ... thank you in anticipation

Checked my account today
There was a private message from Wella in the Escalation team 
requesting details of failed recovery attempt.. 8 digit numbers

Logged out and went to my Hotmail account to find numbers (which I did)
Logged on to ANSWERS again

Now simply cannot get to view my private messages 
None of the three ways works 
neither the red underlined link at the top of the page
nor the account home page "select private messages and apply"
nor the private message link on the original question

Logged out tried again ..all three routes
and again 
and again 

Suspected it might be a browser issue and reloaded latest version 23 of Google Chrome again
Tried again ..all three routes 

This is just a nightmare with a process that just seems to grow exponentially with further problems 
and causing everybody more work 

So my question is 
given that all routes do not give a result 
how do i view my private messages

I posted this issue already.  I received a reply that I had a private message, and that my thread had been closed.  I went to my private messages and was asked for my account information.  I provided my account information -- and then -- nothing -- never heard from anyone again.  SO, I am starting again from scratch.  Like MULTIPLE people on this site with the same exact problem, I have lost all of my personal folders in outlook.com.  The only folders I now have are the default folders of Inbox, Junk, Sent, Drafts and Deleted.  I have obviously also lost the hundreds of emails that I stored in those files over the years.  Can someone PLEASE HELP???  I see this same problem posted all over this site, but I have not read one answer or solution to the problem.  Please, please help me.  Thank you very much.

Recently I have been trying to have my questions answered by Hotmail staff but when they reply via the private message section

and ask me to sign in to see my private messages I have found that :

1.  there is no other separate signing in field to access my private message

2.  When I use the "reply" button on the message screen sent by the person who claims it is a private message section I found that my

    replies are either not being answered or it has not been printed and posted on the site. 

3.  I therefore do0 not know if my replies to the private messages are being received and read.