new to outlook & macs - double whammy - and I already hate them both. one of the biggest pia's is this annoying property of bringing up all e-mail address that I HAVE REPLIED TO when I'm trying to address an e-mail. I can delete the ones with the x beside them, but many say 'work' and I cannot delete them. Most of these are not in my address book, and I can't find anywhere to change this annoying habit. Several of the searches seem to reflect a number of other people with this same request, but no one seems to have a solution. 
And - FWIW - how ballsy is it of MS to make us fix their mistakes?
Thanks - 
Having moved to a Mac and using Office for mac 14.2.4 I am still looking for "homepage" in the folder properties. I want to embed a link to a URLto see our intranet. Could do so in Outlook or Windows via properties/homepage of this folder...
Any ideas bout embedding a link like or an internal link like
Thanks for your help,
كيف يمكنني فتح اكثر من مسنجر هوتميل  في نفس الوقت؟
علما انه لدي مسنجر بلص وقد فعلت خاصية الحسابات المتعدده ولم تعمل .

How can I open more than one Messenger Hotmail at the same time?
 Note that I have Messenger Plus I have done multiple property accounts and it did not work.