I cannot add or delete contacts in the new "people" system or move people into graoups.  I am getting very frustrated -I think it is about time I moved to G-mail!
I've tried the instructions people have given for Outlook but they don't seem to work. When I check the boxes on my People list and go to the Group I've set up I can't get the "apply' button to activate.
How can I transfer a contact from my main list of contacts to one of my Sub-groups -another category ?
How do i go into a "group" and see the individual contacts?
The top message in the inbox is automatically marked as read when Hotmail is opened. I would prefer all messages that I haven't clicked on to stay "unread", until I have actively selected them. Is there a setting to achieve this?

I have a group list of advertisers that I need to send to my co-worker. Can I do this or do I need to type each one in the message?

Thanks, Maureen

I want to remove some of my "friends" e-mail addresses into my contacts, but I don´s know how to do that. Could you help me?
I"m unable to edit contacts in People. There is no edit option. What can I do?
Almost every time I go on line to get my e-mail I have to sign in even though I tick the "remember me " box
I cannot locate a button on the people page that takes me back to my inbox. Everytime I try to go back I automatically get shut down and I have to go to log in again.. please advise?