I have Windows 7 and Windows Live Mail.  My mother has Windows Vista and Windows Mail.  She scanned a document and saved it as a pdf.  She tried to send it to me as an attachment to an e-mail.  The attachment arrived, Expert PDF Reader opened it, but it was blank.  I tried to research why it was blank and informed that my security settings kept some attachments from opening as a security measure.  Where do I find my security settings and what do I do to open my mother's attachment?  Is there anything else I need to know about this issue?  



The PDF files I receive in Windows Live email are trying to convert to a word file, how do I change this back to open in Adobe reader?

I think window 8 is sstupid question cuz I am not good reader

I am having trouble with my computer & can't download.I tried to download Adobe Reader & they said to disable my internet security temporarily

how do I do this.