Hello, could someone please help,

I have a very big problem with my Hotmail account, it firstly got hacked and has been sending out spam emails to people, i know this as my friends have told me, i tired to sign into the account and the password had been changed, i tried to enter it a few times which got the account blocked.

 I have had this email address for such a long time i do not remember any of the information, such as the secret question, or any other information i may have wrote, so when i am trying to confirm the account is mine i cannot as i do not know the details.

Also the other email address i wrote down when i opened the account is a really really old one that i have not accessed for years, so Hotmail is saying it will send my reset password to this account, which i do not have access to.

I put in my boyfriends email as an alternative for a reset password to be sent to him when this all first happened, but because i do not remember the secret question or any of the information i wrote when opening the account, it will not send a password to him.

 I am very stuck and frustrated, this account is one i have used for many years and i have a lot of important things linked to this account and important emails in it, it is the email address i have given out for anything that has ever been important in my life! So i really need to gain access! i have been blocked from it for nearly 3 weeks now and i don't know what to do

Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks so much
Hey there guys,

I was trying to reset my instagram password and I never received an email confirmation from instagram. Just realized I had misspelt my email address when registering with instagram long ago, I doubled the "l" so I gave them *** Email address is removed for privacy *** instead of @hotmail.com.

Now I am permanently locked out of my instagram account. When I go to hotmaill.com, it redirects me to hotmail.com, so I was hoping there was some way to forward those email going to hotmaill.com to hotmail.com or any solution for this. My instagram account is quite old and it's incredibly frustrating to lose it. Please help.

Thanks a lot in advance.
My account *** Email address is removed for privacy *** has been hijacked.  this is an account that I have never used to send email from although it belongs to me.  I don't know how long it's been hijacked but I do know that i have 2 emails that was sent to this address and the only way I knew is because I received  calls from 2 of the individuals who sent email to *** Email address is removed for privacy *** because i didn't respond so I asked them to forward them to me and sure enough email was sent to this account but when i went to sign in i couldn't when i tried to reset my password i could not use the options listed because the one listed to email password reset is not mine i presume it belongs to the person who hijacked the account as well the security question is not one that i set up or know the answer to so I have no way to retrieve the account please help

Dear Microsoft Support,


Please help me to enable reset password function for my domain users email( for all the domains under this account (  *** Email address is removed for privacy *** ).  As admin I want to make things easier for users so that I can directly reset password of users when required.




Dear Moderator


The administrative panel for our domain has the ability to reset passwords (added upon our request).


Unfortunately the ability to view the Mail Status, the Inbox Active Status and the ability to Suspend Mail has been lost.


A search of the Forums suggest that they are available for other domains with reset password for other domains as shown by the example below copied from the Forum.



Created: Friday, March 13, 2009

Mail status: Enabled

Inbox active: No

Reset Password for **removed by moderator**

Suspend mail | Delete user



The Administrative Panel for our domain is as follows (using dummy information from the example)



Created: Friday, March 13, 2009

Reset Password for **removed by moderator**

Delete user



May I please request that the Mail Status,  the Inbox active status and the Suspend mail ability is added to the Administrative Panel for the panel for the Domain which I will be pleased to supply upon request.


Thank you

Richard S