Would you please ENABLE the Password Reset Option for the following domain: bladetechnology.com.au?
Thanks in advanced.
Windows Live Mail FAQ
After searching hi and low I can't find the option to reset a users password on my domains that I've parked on domains.live.com. After reading through the forums it looks like this is an option that Microsoft has to enable??
What is the procedure to have this option turned on?
Thank you,
Al Stenner
Dear Microsoft Support,
Please help me to enable reset password function for my domain users email( for all the domains under this account ( *** Email address is removed for privacy *** ). As admin I want to make things easier for users so that I can directly reset password of users when required.
Dear Moderator
The administrative panel for our domain has the ability to reset passwords (added upon our request).
Unfortunately the ability to view the Mail Status, the Inbox Active Status and the ability to Suspend Mail has been lost.
A search of the Forums suggest that they are available for other domains with reset password for other domains as shown by the example below copied from the Forum.
Created: Friday, March 13, 2009
Mail status: Enabled
Inbox active: No
Reset Password for **removed by moderator**
Suspend mail | Delete user
The Administrative Panel for our domain is as follows (using dummy information from the example)
Created: Friday, March 13, 2009
Reset Password for **removed by moderator**
Delete user
May I please request that the Mail Status, the Inbox active status and the Suspend mail ability is added to the Administrative Panel for the panel for the Domain which I will be pleased to supply upon request.
Thank you
Richard S
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