02. January 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

I want to upload this movie to Youtube. But it always says something like "You do not contain enough memory to save this movie. Try again at a different resolution." with a red circle with a white "X" in it whenever I try to save it. I tried literally ever resolution. I even took out some parts and created custom resolutions lower than the regular resolutions. But it still says the same thing every attempt.


What do I do?

20. December 2013 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
Using the Movie Maker of Windows Essentials 2012 on Windows 7 machine, I captured video from DV tape and I was planning to save a MPEG-4 file with same resolution and framerate using 6 Mbps bitrate. My DV videos are in PAL format, so I wanted to have then in 720x576 resolution and 25 frames per second.

When I start export, Movie Maker crashes.

I think this problem is linked to the resolution I'm choosing. When I changed the resolution to 720x540 it worked. But I would like to get same resolution as the raw material on tape. Any hint what's the problem?

When saving a movie, the highest resolution is 1920x1080.  Even when you set a custom resolution, it will not let you choose a number greater than 1920x1080. 

If the custom resolution did not have this limit, then I could save videos to my native screen resolution (3840x2160).  The clips that I put together are in 4K, but when you save the movie, it can't save in 4K.


Does anyone else want the custom resolution to allow higher resolutions?

My support request submitted over the weekend has been closed. I am not able to go into the request and see a resolution. Nor is the product working properly for me. The support request number is 1218613556 I would like to resolution on this issue rather than having to keep posting and getting the run around as to why outlook is not showing my emails to me. This process is becoming convoluted. 
I am using Windows Live Mail.  I want to attach of send a picture (JPG) at a reduced size, but the pictures always seem to be sent as a .png file.  The resolution-size of this file is not good at all and the recipient cannot zoom in to see any detail.  How can I send a picture (JPG) at a greater size, but not full size.  I have also tried sending as an attachment which is full size, but this always fails.
Hotmail account blocked and back-up email no longer exists, need addressed urgently.

Removed email address for security purposes

I have had another thread open for 2 full weeks now with no response and I have bills that go to this email address.  Resolution is needed immediately.

I started a thread with this - error code 0xE5E0247, calendar contains corrupt data‏ - no resolution after days and days.

I completely removed Windows Live Essentials and reloaded. Now clicking "Windows Live Mail" a window comes up and says - Windows Live Mail has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution - then the next window says - A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. Nothing more happens.

I upgraded a 320 GB HDD to a 750 GB HDD.  Everything else from the old Hard Drive works fine.

I'm becoming frustrated.  Have had to use Hotmail and that's too cumbersome and not as easy as Window mail or Window Live Mail.