01. July 2012 · 1 comment · Categories: Hotmail · Tags: , , , ,
Someone hacked my account and sent out spam to my contacts. They left 4 contacts in there. 2 Called Adult Chat, 1 **** Fun Room and 1 TnA. How do I get rid of them? I can only see them when I select all contacts to send out an email. They are tagged on to the end of the To: Help.
Somehow someone put a contact in my contact list in bold letters that says "Adult Room". I have tried to get rid of it numerous times but it remains. How do I delete it from my contact list ? 
I get emails every day from a thing called FucBook. It is horrible and I want them to stop. I did not sign up for anything like this at all, I find it extremely offensive. I have blocked every single email that comes in, but they seem to come from different emails every time. I have tried to "unsubscribe" but it won't let me. When I have sent emails to people there is a contact **** Fun Room, but when I go to my contacts to delete it, it isn't there. Please tell me how to get rid of it, I really do not like it. Thank you.