Unable to send or receive messages for the Hvc.rr (eddycz060) account.

Server Error: 0x800CCC90

Server Response: -ERR no such message.

Server: 'pop-server.hvc.rr.com'

Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800420CD

Protocol: POP3

Port: 110

Secure(SSL): No

Yesterday I started to get this error box, but yet I still get my e-mails.. Can not get rid of it.Did a virus scan and was clean.Checked my information and everything was good.Can  you help.

[Original title: error box]

I use Windows Live to access my Road Runner email.  I exported by RR contacts as a .csv file and then imported them into my Outlook email.  All contacts came in with names and phone numbers but no email addresses.


I've tried this several times with no success.  Any suggestions?




Wind Mill


Unable to send or receive messages for the Wood Office account. The connection to the server has failed.

Server: 'pop-server.austin.rr.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10060

...IE DOES WORK.  Mail worked earlier today.  Have rebooted.  What now?  (I AM receiving on IPad and IPhone.)