Why does my Windows Movie Maker disable the sound on my computer?


I've asked this question twice. I have not gotten a satisfactory answer. I cannot upload my log files. I persistently get a time out.

I've repaired my Windows Essentials.

If I do not get an answer to this question I will put it in a regular mail question to the CEO of Microsoft.
HI i have a domain hosted on windows live and for last couple of days we are facing a perpetual white screen while accessing the webmail, we tried logging in from a different location it works fine, but the office IP range it is a problem

We spoke to the ISP but didnt get a satisfactory answer, as we have migrated recently to outlook.com and we really want to stick around but this problem has been a dampner and its not justified to go back to using a mail client to access windows mails 

we changed the DNS to global settings but the ISP has said it might recur and will be left without a backup plan

the domain is brandcare.net 

we have about 35 users on the account and in a day our combined mailing might be in the range of 500 mails 

kindly advise, we have a emailer platform which we use on a another subdomain which we run campaigns for clients will that be a issue 

I would really appreciate if some one helps me out in this issue