Please help, How to reset hotmail password if e-mail reset/ security question/ questionare form unsucessful??  have tried several times, is for an account I rarely use, am unable to reset this using any of the above methods.  Am at a loss as to how to proceed.
Since you changed the linked accounts I can no longer access my account which was linked to my partners...  both of us cannot remember my password or the answer to my security question - well, the answer we pick is suddenly wrong... Please is there any way i can relog into my account..? I have tried the reset password page... etc and had no success... I am getting frustrated as I need my account for work and sport purposes. Please help. 
Thanks. :-)
25th July 2013 
Tried to sign in to account. 100% sure password was correct
Denied access saying "password incorrect" .Tried again , repeated message 
Set up new address for "recovery"
Was sent a submission form with near impossible questions to answer EXACTLY like
subject and e mail of address of last mails sent and received.
I just don't carry contacts exact e mail address around in my head .

Sent original account up years ago and have moved house address three times since
so for example post code for new account doesnt match one on original account
Cant remember EXACTLY the answer I gave 8 years ago to the security question of who was first employer
although am 95% sure the answer format I gave is correct ( cant remember if I used the initials 
or the full name of the company ,and if so whether or not left a space between the names)
Also set up one file/folder years ago but cant remember EXACT name ( ie did I leave space between the two names or not ?)
Now denied further attempts at recovery because have exceeded my limit of form submissions.
Have cleared my browser cache. Use Google Chrome , Windows 7 Mcafe and Mcafe site advisor

Has my account been hacked ?

How do I get back into my original e mail address ?
The stumbling block appears to be the Recovery Submission Form which as it is obviously processed by a computer needs to be 100% exact
A human would quickly see that the match is close enough . For example if I had originally put as an answer to the security question of previous employer "ImperialChemicalIndustries" but on the recovery submission form written it with spaces , a human would spot the similarity/
The file folder which I haven't used for 7 years is something like Pierre Sauratte  but it might be Pierre Sarautte 

Help me please I need to access my account on a daily basis there a human I can talk to ?


I have forgotten my password & security question of my primairy emailaccount, I always logged in using my secondairy emailaccount which was linked and than switched to it, but now that this option is not available anymore I have a big problem. Is there any way to resolve this, I really need to get on it again, I have not been on it for almost 3 weeks now, so I am missing a lot of important information. I really really need this account back. Help me.

Thank you,

Anton Vanderkerken