I'm looking to block a sender through Hotmail and have them receive an auto-reply message so they know they've been blocked.  Anyone know if this is possible?
I'm looking to block a sender through Hotmail and have them receive an auto-reply message so they know they've been blocked.  Anyone know if this is possible?
I get error 550 the server rejected the sender's email  address.  I have not changed my email address, this just suddenly happened.  I am using Windows 7.
When you block a sender domain, do you need to include the @ sign or just all the information after it?
When you block a sender domain, do you need to include the @ sign or just all the information after it?
I swept several sender's unwanted email and checked for all future mail to be blocked but I keep getting mail from the same senders.  Any suggestions?
If I click 'Delete and Block' with the option in the 'Safety Options' 'Blocked Senders' tab, tick the box to 'Bounce the blocked messages back o the sender' What information gets sent?
 I no longer have an auto fill to the sender but their info is in my Hotmail contacts.  I also do not get an auto fill on replys.
After Hotmail completely crashed on me a week ago. I have now found some of my incoming mail is being received 3 or 4 messages merged. That is arriving in the inbox under one named sender with the total of the enclosed messages shown in brackets. As this has never happened before is it just me or is Hotmail playing funny games again. I wish I could go back to Outlook Express!!!