des que je rentre mon adresse et mot de passe on me dis désolée erreur c est produite allez a l etat de service j y vais et la on me dis tout ok que dois je faire voici une adresse ou vous pouvez m envoyer repons puisque je n accede plus a hotmail merci 

Dear there,

I have receive an email from (Hotmail Team (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***)) subject was (Access to e-mail is about to expire‏) asking me to go to the following link ( is it belong to you? is this email sent by you? ... as I received it on JUNK box !!!! please advice? soon !

Best regards,


In Q3 2012, when I'll sig in in hotmail, I'll be able to chat with my contacts, from hotmail page as I do it now with messenger service?

I am not able to read the content of an Email, there is always an answer that Hotmail is out of service for instance. This happened only on my accounrt, not on others of the family ? this is the case since many weeks. Sometimes, it's works very slowly.

Same problem on an other computer, same with other browsers !

I am trying to sign in to Windows Essentials Messenger. When trying to reach the service agreement, I get an error code 80048834.
I am not receiving emails sent from *** Email address is removed for privacy *** OR *** Email address is removed for privacy ***.  When I contacted the vendor about this they said my email account is being labeled as "non-existent" by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).  Can you tell me how I might go about getting this fixed?  Thanks.

I can not add a name to my hotmail group. You have failed to help me. Will you call me at <PII removed> ?


<Windows XP/IE7>

<yes mobile/not mobile unknown>

lorsque je demande l etat de msn, tout est ok et fonctionne, mais lorsque je veux me connecter ca me marque impossible de vous connecter a messenger car le service est momentanément indisponible;;;
en meme temps, si je passe par hotmail, j arrive mais pas de la meme facon

que se passe t il ? je n ai rien modifié et c est survenu brutalement il y a quelques jours
Por que não consigo acessar minha caixa de entrada e contatos, mas consigo entrar no sky driver? Quando tento fazer login recebo essa mensagem: Sorry, something went wrong
Please try again. If you keep seeing this message, go to Service status to check whether there's a problem with Hotmail or to report the issue.
Ao clicar no link Service status, diz que está funcionando nolmalmente, mas ao clicar email retorna essa mesma mnsagem e não entra na caixa de entrada. Como posso resolver isso? Desde já agradeço.