Following a recent Microsoft Office update my hotmail & gmail accounts previously setup in Outlook have disappeared along with all contacts, calendars & folders etc. How do I recover these?
I have this toolbar on some windows, but not on my Hotmail window.

I used to use Outlook2008 on Windows, and started using Outlook2011 on Mac OS two days ago.


In Outlook2008 for Windows, Options menu has Mail Setup tag, and I can uncheck “Send immediately when connected” to avoid any accidental mail sending. Namely, I want to send emails manually, not automatically when connected to the net. I could not find a similar tag or option in Outlook2011 for Mac OS. How can I disable the automatic sending when connected?



I have setup email account in Mac Outlook. It copied all incoming emails but didn't copy any sent messages. How to import all sent messages and also contacts.
Has anyone successfully setup Office 2011 with an Exchange Server and PIV card authentication?
In the new contact set up I cannot get into my Groups to manage them