After being on PC for years, I got a Mac, I got Office for Mac so I can transfer my pst file to my new Mac, I have been having problems with the task system in more ways than one. For example, when I snooze a task or market it complete, it may comes back about 10 minutes later. Also the task that initially showed up on my list have been marked either dismissed or completed some time ago on my PC, but on the Mac, they all show up under reminders. Lastly, I am not to sure where the master task list is like it appears on the PC version. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Outlook Crash after update Office for Mac 2011 v14.1.0 to v14.2.2

1.Can't open Outlook
2.Reinstall Office for Mac 
3.Try to use Microsoft Database Utility to repair database file
4.Finish and no any error message (Size is not same, one time is 22 MB, another is 30MB)
5.Try to import this database to Outlook, Can't import
6.Show follow error message: The data file is damaged and Outlook is not able to import.
7.Try to update to 14.2.2
8.Still no available to import

Please help me to resolve this problem, these emails and information are very important for me.


why my status to my friend show offline, while i saw them in online?
how to solve it?


When I send or receive photos as attachments they show as attachments and in small pictures across the e mail. The attachments will not open up and the slide show does not work. Other folks can view them as attachments, even when I send them, but I can't open them up in my sent mail either. I have windows 7 and use windows live mail.  Thanks for your help.