why it is necessary for me to sign on each time I want to read my email.  I have to enter user name and password, why??????
When you block a sender domain, do you need to include the @ sign or just all the information after it?
When you block a sender domain, do you need to include the @ sign or just all the information after it?
Every time I open live mail I get my home page for comcast mail and a sign on screen for hot mail.  how do I get rid of the hot mail signon?
when I sign into messenger , all my contacts pictures are gone showing who they are

When I sign in for my emails my Messenger keeps loading.  But, when I sign in using "inPrivate" setting, it

does stop.  How can I correct this for a normal web browser?  Or can I? 

My husband & I share a computer,how can I set our hotmail accs so that we can both stay signed in allthe time instead of one having to sign out so the other one can sign in?