Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10013
Windows Live Mail FAQ
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10013
om *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
An unknown error has occurred.
Subject 'One Evil Human'
Server Error: 550
Server Response: 550 5.2.0 0lwo1k00V5UrxxX05lwpJg Message identified as SPAM - Please visit E5110
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC69
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No
The connection to the server has failed.
Subject 'test4'
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 587
Secure(SSL): Yes
Socket Error: 10060
I can not send email for the last week. I tried to repair Essentials but that did not solve my problem.
I am receiving emails just can't send.
I can send using another email program such as Outlook ap but Windows Live is my main program, and that is the one I want to use.
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