Can someone please tell me how to delete a name showing up on messenger?i  It reads Kay H says:  then under my name it says Ashley.

Hi All,


Just logged in to find all my emails deleted - everything bar the ones sent to me today.


This was not my action and I want my old emails back.  I require one of them quite urgently and many are of great sentimentality.




How am I supposed to see my groups and add people to them?  I don't like this new lay-out, the old one was much easier.  I send e-mails to groups of people a lot- can someone PLEASE help?
Someone we contacted on the internet asked to access our computer.  They found some corrupted files and told us that for $150 they would correct our problem.  That was not in our budget.  Is there a way that we can correct this problem and get rid of possible corrupted files without all the expense.  Your help is appreciated.
Recently someone used my credit card to make a fraudulent purchase over the internet using a hot mail email address.  Can hot mail track this email to IP address etc, so I can find out who did this?
On Thursday our password was changed.  Can access everything but hotmail. Can someone please help me. Thanks!

When is Hotmail going to fix the settings to my email account?

I noticed the problem last Thursday, when they changed the settings on me. It took me awhile to open an email. It went back to "normal" later on.

Now, I opened an email. I hit the "Reply" button. It won't let me send a Reply, nor does it tell me where to type in a Reply. Also, it was taking forever to load.

Is there a chance that you could return my email settings back to the way it was (as of last Wednesday, September 5). It was working fine early in the week, till you guys decided to come in and make a mess of things. Whatever happened to the simple idea of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" ????????????????????


BTW, please do not tell me that it's my computer. Many people I know of are having problems with their Hotmail accounts (thanks in part to someone at Hotmail who made a royal mess of things)

I am having several problems with the Mesenger Widget for websites, can someone help me?


Check: |

Just wondering how I report someone who is violating the code of conduct with a hotmail account?