My comodo firewall asked for permision to allow live mail update and I inadvertently said no. Now I have no live mail and probably have lost all of my saved mail if I have to reinstall.
have just tried to delete some of my contacts but they system seems to have changed and I cant find a way to do it. It just comes up with duplicates addresses for me to deal with. any suggestions please
whewn we got the new system I tried to open something and i said to open with word and now I cant change it to open with adobe I have to save it then open it and I just want to be able to open the attachements in adobe.
In the last 15 months, I've rebuilt Outlook at least 6 times. Each time I start with a new identity. It takes hours to do this. I'm so fed up. It started within the first 6 weeks of having the program. I'm running on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Word version
Should I just throw in the towel? This is getting stupid. But I need a mail program and calendar system compatible with my clients who use Office.
Should I just throw in the towel? This is getting stupid. But I need a mail program and calendar system compatible with my clients who use Office.
How does one send 150 emails from a data base created on excel? I have a small business and trying to start up a recall system that my clients asked for. Is it best on outlook or hotmail? I got it figured out on outlook but then realized it would only
send the first twenty or so. Agh!!
I would like to print a list of my contacts with their email addresses as I have done in the past but with this new contact list system I can't figure out how to do that since I never see the entire list. Anybody have the answer?? Thanks for your help,
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