Windows Live™ Team (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***)

Dear Customer, 
Windows Live Hotmail® accounts has been growing really fast. We are having too many congested email due to the 
anonymous registration of Hotmail, Msn, and Live Accounts on our database system. Please reconfirm your email account 
and information to know if your account is still active and will also be recorded on our new database system. We need you to
 reply and fill in the information below within one week or you will lose your account permanently.
*Password  *Date of birth  *Country or Territory   * Your Security Question Here are some ways to help you manage your account after you reconfirm it. Create an archive - Set up a folder on your PC’s hard drive where you can save large attachments. Then just delete them from your inbox. You’ll still have them and your inbox will be that much smaller. Make your filters work for you- Did you know you can set up your Hotmail account to immediately delete junk e-mail? Go to Options, and click Filters and reporting. Under the “Delete junk e-mail” section, select Immediately to delete junk e-mail right away. Once you’re finished, click Save and you’re done. Delete a bunch of mail at once- Go to your Junk and Deleted folders, and clear them out by clicking the “Empty” button in the action bar. If you have more questions, please read our help topic on Hotmail storage. Sincerely, The Windows Live Hotmail Team Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.
 Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA © 2012 Microsoft Corporation.
Hi Hotmail Team!  I cannot foward emails that I received to other contacts.  They all came back with a messege from the Mail Administrator saying "mail system error-returned mail" What is going on?  Is this because I deleted over 12,000 messages that were cluttering my inbox last night and then had to delete them from my delete box today?  In between, I had Norton Easy Support help me with my computer because it went down last night and wouldn't start.  But that had nothing to do with any emails.
How do I turn on a ping, alert sound when new messages come into my mailbox? many thanks, Team

Here is the email:


Dear Valued Customer,

Due to congestion in all Windows Live Mail user accounts, there shall be a removal exercise of all used and unused Hotmail/Msn Accounts. Windows Live would be shutting down several accounts as your email address needs to be added to the new Windows Live database. We programed to stop and delete unused email account, you may permanently stop receiving messages to this Email address if not verified.

You will have to confirm your Hotmail/MSN account. So you are required to logon to your Online Account with the provided link below. For immediate access

Click on the provided link below, then login with your correct username and password to Validate:

{not even a hotmail link so removed}

NB: Failure to update your account will result to a permanent closure.

Windows Live Team

I received a message from "Windows Live8 Team" threatening to shut off my hotmail account in 48 hours if I did not give them certain information, including my date of birthday.  This sounds like a scam.  The message came from 
(removed for sec. reasons)
Please respond ASAP.

Anne Harshbarger
Hi I received an email from the ''hotmail team'' requiring that I provide private information in order to confirm my account because of some hackings that have occured? I find it very fishy to give these informations and was wondering if it was a legit thing or not? Specially that they threat to delete my account in the next 72hours which has now become 48hours, since I received this email yesterday. It was sent by ''Email address removed for privacy**". Got no clue what it is.  Please help me I am very concerned!