I keep receiving emails, suposedly, from either windows live team or msn customer care, asking for personal info like user id, password, date of birth, and country of origin.  I can I find out if these emails are legit or some attempt at id theft and if it is phoney how and who do i report them to?
I have received a number of emails supposedly from "Windows Life Team" telling me I must send them my user name, password and date of birth.  I keep deleting but they say if I don't send I will be shut down.  Is this for real?
I just received this e-mail: Email Update (Final Notice).  It says it's from the Hotmail Team.  When you open the message, the "blocked dialogue" box is there asking if you trust the sender.  But the address is from hotdrumlady@hotmail and moso22@hotmail.  The e-mail says one of my folders is infected with a DGTFX virus and unless I reply to the e-mail with Full name, User name, Password, Date of Birth and Country of Origin, my account will be disabled.  Is this legit?  The end of the message contains a signature, but it looks fake.  What should I do?  It says I have 2 weeks to reply or my account will be removed.

Hello team MSN.  I have a question on behalf of my dad who is not a very computer-savvy user but needs help to get his @msn.com email accounts back up and running.  He has three email accounts which are together in the Windows Live Mail program he installed on his computer.  Here, he can log in with one password and access all three accounts.  The problem is that he will be on the road for a couple of weeks and needs to access his email from other computers.  He is using the “Live log in” I think it’s: https://login.live.com/login.srf 


For the past two days, he can’t login to his accounts from either Live Mail on his home computer or with live.com login via Internet Explorer.  As far as we know, he never received any notification saying that his accounts were shut down, compromised or over their size limits, etc.  My question: how do we make it so he can login to all three of his @msn.com email accounts via the internet at https://login.live.com/login.srf?


Is there any way that I could type/chat with an administrator online about this?  If you need more info from me in order to help solve this problem, please let me know.  Thanks for your help.  



I got the following email, supposedly from the Hotmail Member Service Team. This is someone trying to hack me, right? Here's the email: 

Dear MSN and Hotmail Subscriber,  A DGTFX Virus has been detected in your folders. Your email account has to be upgraded to our new Secured DGTFX anti-virus 2012 version to prevent damages to our web mail log and to your important files. Click your reply tab, Fill the columns below and send back to us or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus. 
 * Full Name: 
* User name: 
* Password:
 * Date of Birth:
 * Country Or Territory: 
 This back up is necessary to update and to avoid blocking of your account. If you do not respond to this message you will lose your account permanently. Thank you for your usual co-operation we apologize for the inconvenience.  Sincerely, Member Service Team. "