Sync date Issues with OUTLOOK on IMAC
I have recently purchased MAC Office for my IMAC.  It appears to work fine apart from the Sync.  All my mail is dated with a time when I force a Sync and not time when sent to me.  I also have a MAC Pro and that deals with my Mail correctly.  Any thoughts on how to fix this issue would be appreciated.
Is there any way for me to add contacts?  I've already wasted enough time on this.  If there's not a simple solution I'll just cancel my hotmail accounts & move on to something a little more user friendly.
from two days i m not receiving any email in my account ... i dont y happen like this ... senders getting messege for deliver failde..plz help and sort out the issue as i m using this email from long time and i cant change !!
from two days i m not receiving any email in my account ... i dont y happen like this ... senders getting messege for deliver failde..plz help and sort out the issue as i m using this email from long time and i cant change !!

Windows XP, Hotmail.  When I receive e-mails on my desk top the time is 4 hours off.  Instead of 1 PM it will be 5 PM.  The time on my desktop

is correct.

When I try to foward mail with pictures, I get an error message . The error message is "One or more of the pictures in this message  could not be found. When you send this message these pictures will not be included. Are you sure you want to send this message?" This happens qiute often but not all the time.
I am using Windows Live Mail desktop, Version 2011 (Build 15.4.3555.0308.
It shows one unread message in the inbox but I can't find it. How do I temporarily change the settings so it shows only unread messages?
I know this is not hotmail but every time I searched it sent me here.

time clock on computer is correct but my emails come in with different times and sometimes no time,


Question is self evident.  I can't add a contact to my contacts list and at the same time, place them in an email group.