This is the second time in three weeks.  I log into outlook and it downloads 4000 emails--many I have deleted before and others duplicates.
Almost every time I go on line to get my e-mail I have to sign in even though I tick the "remember me " box
i've a big problem with my windows live messenger , i can't open it :S , when i sign in with my ID it takes long time to open and it doesn't open .. and my brother when he signs with his ID it opens immediately,,,,,, So what's the problem with my messenger ?!
How Can I do search in all outlook 2011 Mac local folders at one time?
After logging in successfully there are no emails in the text area  just headers and folders names and such. looks like others are having similar issues. anybody figured this out yet?  Sometimes it will start working then next time I log in its hosed up again..since yesterday 9/5/12..
why do I have to put my email address in every time to sign in to my emails instead of just putting in my password even when I check the keep me signed in tab
I've tried following the instructions for adding/deleting contacts from groups but when I've added a contact to a group, that contact still does not show up when I try to send an email to that group and the contact removed from the group still shows. Does it take a period of time for the changes to take effect?
The 'To:'  field will only accept  strings with the '@' in them; either from my existing Contacts List or a new contact.  And, of course, i want to avoid having to type in twenty or more separate email addresses each time I want contact these particular people.
I want to see all of the Contacts in the Group.  How can I do that?  It was possible before Microsoft changed Hotmail this last time but seemingly is not possible now.   Grrrrrr.