Unable to send mail on Windows Live but can recieve mail


Windows 7 Home Premium



An unknown error has occurred.

Subject 'Test'
Server Error: 550
Server Response: 550 5.3.4 Requested action not taken; To continue sending messages, please sign in to your account.
Server: 'smtp.live.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC69
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 587
Secure(SSL): Yes

This morning (Nov. 15, 2012) I had 21 updates from MS. I did the updates and said RESTART. It did not restart but turned off. After I got it running again, I opened Windows Live Mail. An email that I had deleted was back in my inbox saying I could not view it. Fine. I deleted it again. My junkmail file, from which I had deleted four emails had the same four emails back again. I tried to delete them and got a message "An unknown error has occured". How can I delete the junk email?

Trying to install Windows Essentials and receiving the following:

An unknown error occured.

Error: 0x80070659

Source: crt90-i386.


An unknown error has occurred.

Server: 'smtp.epjsm.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80070057
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No

I have just started using Live Mail and it is pretty good but this started shortly after starting to use it.

This is the message I'm getting, can someone help me. Email was working fine 5 hours ago. But not now!!!

An unknown error has occurred.

Server Error: 554
Server Response: 554 Transaction failed : Cannot send message due to possible abuse; please visit http://postmaster.yahoo.com/abuse_smtp.html for more information
Server: 'mail.btinternet.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC6F
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No

When I send a reply message to certain email addresses, I get an error message.
The error is one of the following two:
Insufficient Memory - 108
Unknown Error - 8796

This only happens when I reply to a very few specific recipients.

I have no problem receiving email from them and no problem sending new messages to anyone.

Office for Mac 2011
iMac 21.5 in. OS X 10.8.2

om *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

An unknown error has occurred.

Subject 'One Evil Human'
Server Error: 550
Server Response: 550 5.2.0 0lwo1k00V5UrxxX05lwpJg Message identified as SPAM - Please visit http://www.charter.com/postmaster E5110
Server: 'smtp.charter.net'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC69
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No

All other incoming mail hasn't been a problem but I can't send anything out. I have windows live mail.


Hi There,  Very suddenly my Windows Live Mail Client will not send email from one of three accounts.  I receive the error message below; I have X'd out the subject.  Gotta love those unknown errors :-) Any help is appreciated, Roxcee
 "An unknown error has occurred.

Server: 'smtp.gmail.com'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0B
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 465
Secure(SSL): Yes
Original Title: "Outlook doesn't work"
Have Office:mac2011 installed on new Imac running Mountain Lion upgrade. Major problem with Outlook. No matter what command I use I get a "unknown error" information message. Powerpoint, Excel and Word word as advertised -- but Outlook is useless. Any workaround?