I hope someone can help.
I keep having the error message pop up This message is too big and can not be appended. Error Code 1025.
The error is happening every few seconds.
I ran an Office update the other morning, and ever since i keep getting this message.
There are no emails in the outbox. I can still send and receive with no problems.
I've cleared all emails that i sent and received around the time i ran the update, and i've rebuilt the database.
But I keep getting the same error message.
I'm also now getting duplicate emails in the deleted items folder. If i delete a message before the mailbox updates properly it downloads the email again as unread but puts it in the delete items.
It's connecting to an exchange account, but via IMAP as it's old exchange. I've been using it for over 6 months without any problems.
What else can i do to clear this? Is there anyway of finding out what message is causing the problem?
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